Reader Space: A Mini-Mudroom Makeover

Spaces like today's always make me warm and happy inside, because someone made something magical happen, out of a very ordinary space.

Anu wrote and shared her recent mini-mudroom makeover, and the instant perma-grin took over and I begged her to let me share it!  I feel like I need to do my part in spreading the perma-grin fever.

Anu started out with a typical entry closet/nook and decided to make it lovely and beautiful and functional.  Here is what she had to say about the project:

What is the main function of the space?

"Our space acts like a "real" mudroom, only on a much smaller scale.  Our tiny closet/stair landing corrals outdoor gear and boots, dog feeding/walking supplies and laundry items {e.g., clothespins, drying rack, etc...}"

Any superstar tips for keeping it organized?

"I find that having a bin for each boy and dog helps keep their hats/mitts/leash easily accessible and saves us a lot of time getting out the door.  Using colourful labels makes putting the items away all the more fun.  My boys are still very little, but my 2 year-old is learning to recognize which bin is his.  The colourful, personalized labels are great motivation for him when learning to put his things away."

What items did you find were essential when organizing the space, and why?

"Having a place for everything is key to keeping things organized.  The labeled bins and baskets keep small items easily accessible and in their places.  The floating bench also helps free up floor space so that I have a spot for the dog food and bowls."

What did you do to go the extra mile and "make it pretty"?

"I love all things handmade and tried to incorporate my interests into the space.  I blanket-stitched the tops of the baskets, sewed a pillow cover and made my own monogram and coat hooks.  I chose bright colours and finishes similar to those found in our kitchen which is next to our new mini mudroom.  I found adding colour really brightened up a previously drab corner."

What items did you DIY to stay on a budget?

"Almost everything in the space is handmade and/or DIY.  I designed the floating bench and my husband built it.  The art consists of two plates I already owned and a monogram that we cut out from the leftover bench material.  The coat hooks were also a DIY project made from wooden cabinet knobs.  To stay on a budget for the items we did buy, we shopped outlet and salvage shops {e.g., the light fixture came from a Habitat for Humanity Restore}."

How has this project impacted your life for the better?

"I am so glad I now have a place for all the baby/toddler/dog gear.  The rest of our house is very thankful to be a little less cluttered!  Finishing this space has also given me the motivation to organize other spaces in our house."

Ready to see the shining before and afters?

There are a few things that Anu mentioned that really resonated with me.
  • First, the obvious; "A place for everything".  It is so important when planning a space to account for how it is used each day, and design a solution for all of the items within that space.  That way, it is simple to maintain the newly finished zone.
  • "Using colourful labels makes putting the items away all the more fun."  I couldn't agree more.  Something about going the extra mile to make labels pleasing, doesn't make the putting away part seem like such a chore.  
  • "The floating bench also helps free up floor space."  Benches and shelves are great space savers.  I love that she was able to give the floor some function, and add a place to sit or set things down as they are coming and going.
  • "Finishing this space has also given me the motivation to organize other spaces in our house."  People ask me sometimes what drives me, and Anu nailed it.  Something about the satisfaction about finishing an awesome projects, keeps me excited to do it again!  So happy that Anu walked away with that same feeling!

I also adore that so much love, time and handmade items went into this space.  That is what makes it truly special.  All of the little details work together to make for a pretty magical mini-mudroom.  You can find all of the details in her original post here.

 ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please submit your story and photos here and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!


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