How to Increase Number of Visitors or Blog Traffic

How to Increase Blog Traffic
Any blog or website owner almost certainly have longed for a number of high traffic or visitors. Due to a number of visits a lot or have high traffic will have more value and will certainly make it easier for your blog or website owner to determine the next destination for purposes such as promotion, advertising and others, although this is not a necessity. And frankly to bring a high number of visitors is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand or can not just snap. Overall it requires tenacity, persistence, consistency and patience. And each blog or website owners in an effort to bring visitors must have a method or a different way, but in some cases have in common such as registering your blog to search engines, submit to multiple blog directories, is active in a forum, diligent blogwalking, etc.

There are many ways to increase the number of visits to a blog or website, some say 10 ways, 20 or a hundred ways maybe even a thousand ways to increase blog traffic. But not all the ways that we can apply, depending on how or which method is most effective and not too time-consuming. As for some of the ways that can be taken are :

1. Make Conten or interesting posts.

If you want traffic, you should write Conten or make a post, Content is the King. The essence of a blog or website is the content or postings. Create a post title that suits the content not too short and too long. Other people or friends when visiting your blog looking for the first time is Conten, article or a posting, the other new. So keep writing interesting and useful posts (diligent updates), and try to own original works.

2. Design and layout are good.

If you design your blog or website messy, difficult to navigate, too many scripts and many an error, loading weight, color does not match, or interfere with vision (glare, etc.), visitors would not be comfortable to linger in your blog. So do not be too much to add acessories that are less useful. For that use the theme or template that both the light and light but still elegant.

3. Use your own domain name.

Try to use the domain name itself, although this is not a necessity. Since using your own domain and pay generally will be easier to remember URL and your blog will seem more professional. Another reason to use your own domain will further spur the spirit and continue to manage the blog seriously.

4. Register your blog or website to search engines

In general, there are two ways to do it.

First, you remained silent waiting for the search engines visit your blog. If you choose this method, I recommend using either Blogger or WordPress. Because it is said in the blog they will be automatically indexed in search engines at most two days.

The second way is to take the initiative to meet search engine. Register your blog or website to search engines. For the initial stage should not all search engines, just select the leading search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN or Bing. For other search engine can be done later. How to register your blog to search engines you must already know how so I will not discuss here.

Write a post with the title interesting, memorable and contain keywords. Posts with the title interesting and easy to remember will usually get more traffic, especially if it contains keywords. You will get ranked on search engines, and if one link your articles with keywords that you would get a better ranking and will get more traffic from Google, Yahoo, or others.

5. Start the "tagging" image in your blog.

When you insert the image dipostingan, you should always give the identity (tagged). Its function is to provide a keyword in the image and will make it easier for visitors to find our blog on a search image or images such as the Google image search.

6. Watch and learn your blog statistics.

Use your Google Analytics. See what keywords visitors used to find your blog and the article's likes or dislikes your blog visitors. This will help to determine your next article could be inserted with a popular and effective keywords.

7. Create Content entire post and Create links between related posts both in the post or below the post.

This is commonly called the Related Post or Related Articles. This way will give more opportunity for visitors to further explore the entire contents of the blog and find more information. Thus will lure visitors to re-visit your blog. This method is also effective to increase the Page View. Internal links to the blog post will also help improve your blog ranking and will also help increase traffic, because if people come to your blog has no choice but to be seen then they will go. When you link to your other posts they will click your link and the visitor will remain on your blog longer.

8. Submit your blog or post to multiple blogs or social bookmarking directories.

  • Use StumbleUpon.
  • Use the MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog, SignUp to join them and to all the MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog communities, then you will see the visitor will come to your blog from the directory.
  • Submit your posts to,, often I use all three if a post has a lot of competitors. So this kind of tool that will direct the search results in Google to our blog.
  • Submit your blog to blogrankings, blogtoplist, topofblog, blogtopsites etc..
  • Import Feed your blog to Facebook and Twitter, then you will potentially get a significant number of visitors.

9. Use the facility to allow visitors to share your article.

On each blog articles are often found to be a line of buttons that will allow visitors to submit and vote articles to social bookmarking sites like,,,, or the other. Example you can use the Sociable plugin or Share This. You can also create a means to submit articles to social bookmarking without using a plugin, so that the loading remains mild.

10. Make your blog into dofollow (optional).

DoFollow Blogs are usually crowded, especially visitors who had a high page rank. Blog visitors would prefer to visit and comment by leaving a link to his blog. Negative impact if the outgoing links (outbound link) more than on the link to the (inbound links) will be detrimental to the owner of the blog is DoFollow. To work around this (this particular blog) comments that in the middle (Reply Comment) I created nofollow including a link that is in the content of comments. Then multiply the link to be balanced in this blog diligently blogwalking and submit your blog or post to multiple blogs or social bookmarking directories.

11. Maximize Use of Post Tag In Post

When you use Platinum SEO Pack Plugin or All in One SEO Pack, you should be setting to Post tags that you created in post participate included in the index list, do I not given a check in the Use noindex for Tag Archives and nofollow links to tag pages. If you use the XML Sitemap Generator Plugin for WordPress put checks on the Include tag pages. Furthermore, each time you make a post you can insert Post Tags in your posts, and make Post tags that a SEO might be relevant to the theme of your post. Do not make excessive post tag is not especially related to the theme of posts you have made, if this is done can actually endanger your blog, your blog might be accused of keyword spammers.
12. Website Loading Speed ​​Optimization
Time to loading a web page or blog is one factor in Google ranking. Several studies indicate that the speed of loading a website / blog will also affect the behavior of visitors. The faster loading a website will make visitors more comfortable or feel at home and will have more value. Conversely the slow loading of a website there is also a tendency increasingly uncomfortable for the visitors, and the edges are visitor will close the page of the website. If you use WordPress, there are many ways to improve loading speed of your blog.

And there are many other ways that can be used to increase website or blog traffic or through online or offline media such as making stickers, books, pamphlets, etc. that you can develop your own.

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