How to change blogger password

Password or keywords used as security for accessing an account in the blogspot blog. For some people it is important to change the password for confidentiality will be maintained, why certainly possible password that you currently use is so easy to solve.

Well, the above is only an introduction. So not a common opinion. Depending on needs. Whether you just start following trick.

Changing blogger password

Login to your blogger dashboard
Click My Account (on the menu tab above)

Then you will be directed to your google account dashboard.
Later in the Personal Settings, Security. Click Change Your Password.

  • Change passwords.
  • Enter Current password:
  • New Password:
  • Confirm new password:
  • Last save.

Done. Easily is not it? Now you have replaced your old password with new password, so whenever you access a blogspot account the new password you use it. Greeting
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