Percakapan Conversation bahasa inggris, Dialog bahasa inggris 4 orang

Percakapan bahasa inggris 4 orang remaja ini mungkin bisa menggambarkan dunia remaja yang penuh warna. Yah, masalah percintaan banyak melanda para remaja sehingga pembicaraan seakan-akan tidak menarik jika bukan membahas tentang masalah cinta.

Percakapan bahasa inggris 4 orang antara ridho, jessica, andi dan putri adalah contohnya. Mereka membicarakan tentang masing-masing orang yang mereka sukai. Dari percakapan ini kita bisa melihat kepolosan, keluguan, kejujuran atau perasaan malu-malu semua begitu tampak berwarna-warni.

Kelancaran dalam percakapan bahasa inggris tidak bisa begitu saja dipelajari, tetapi harus dipraktekkan. Banyak pembelajar bahasa inggris menyerah di tahap praktek.

Untuk itu, diperlukan sebuah cara praktek yang mudah dan menyenangkan belajar bahasa inggris dengan audio MP3 DISINI.

Berikut Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang : Talking About Crush

  • Ridho : Hey, Jessica! [comes with Andi and Putri]
  • Jessica : Oh, hey, Ridho, Andi, Putri! Come here fast, I’ve been waiting for you guys so long.
  • Andi : We’re sorry, Jessica. We had to wait for Putri putting on her makes-up like a princess
  • Putri : What are you saying? It’s you, Andi. You came so late before we left [frowns at Andi]
  • Jessica : Hahaha, your late really took time, guys. Fortunately, one of my friend passed by and we had a talk to kill the time

  • Ridho : Oh, yeah. I see that guy, your friend, is he your new boyfriend?
  • Jessica : What? New boyfriend? Huh, no, he’s just a friend of my class. By the way, what made you come behind the time Andi?
  • Andi : I’m sorry, Guys. I was going with my crush to accompany her buying a present for her sister’s birthday.
  • Ridho : Oh, I see. So how is the progress with you and her, Andi?
  • Andi : Uh, humm, I have got along with her quite often lately.
  • Putri : What do you think? Do you think she likes you too? And when will you make a clean breast of your feelings to her?
  • Andi : Uh, I don’t know. I couldn’t find any way yet to find out if she likes me or not and I think it would be too soon to tell my whole feelings to her.

  • Jessica : Just calm down, bro. Why don’t you just keep it going smoothly and wait until the right time.
  • Ridho : Yes, brother. You just wait until she gets comfortable having you by her side and can’t get rid of you on her mind, that’s what I’m doing to my crush heeheehee.
  • Putri : Whoa, it’s like you’ve been doing it good, Ridho. I hope she would fell in your arms that are full of love soon.
  • Ridho : Heehee, thanks, Putri.

  • Andi : And you, how is you with your boyfriend, Putri?
  • Putri : Well, I start to reveal few things about him, like he likes to snore during his sleep, hahahaha. We always miss each other and our relationship is even going well.
  • Andi : You really seem to enjoy each other, that’s good, Jessica.
  • Putri : Heehee, yes, thank you, Andi. So, how is it going with you and that guy earlier, Jessica?
  • Jessica : [startled] Huh?! What guy?
  • Putri : Stop playing fool, Jessica. I’m talking about that guy you were with before we came here.

  • Jessica : What? I’ve told you, we’re just friends, Putri.
  • Putri : I know you have a crush on him, Jess.
  • Ridho : Wow, Jess, why don’t you tell us all?
  • Andi : Yes, Jess, maybe we can’t help you out.
  • Jessica : You’re talking funny, Guys. I don’t have any crush on her.
  • Putri : Okay, okay Guys, leave her alone. Easy, Jess, you can text me later.
  • Jessica : Hahaha okay, Putri.

Glossaries Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 orang

  • Putting (put) on makes-up: Berdandan, memakai make-up
  • Passed (pass) by: lewat
  • Kill the time: Menghabiskan waktu
  • Come behind the time: datang terlambat
  • Crush: sesorang yang disukai
  • Got (get) along with: berdekatan, berjalan bersama
  • Make a clean breast of (something): Jujur akan sesuatu, mengakui sesuatu
  • To find out: Mengetahui, mencari tahu
  • Keep it going smoothly: menjaga sesuatu berjalan mulus
  • Get rid of (something): menyingkirkan, mengeluarkan
  • Reveal: Membuka hal rahasia/hal yang belum terungkap
  • Going well: berjalan baik
  • Earlier: tadi, sebelumnya
  • Startled: terkejut
  • Playing fool: berpura-pura bodoh
  • Have a crush on (someone): Menyukai seseorang
  • Leave her alone: Jangan ganggu dia
  • Text: mengirim pesan

Bagi anda yang Ingin Ber-minat sekali ingin Belajar bahasa Inggris dari NOL, Belajar bahasa Inggris mulai dari Awal, Atau anda sudah mengikuti Puluhan Berbagai Latihan Kursus Belajar Bahasa Inggris,

Tetapi hasilnya gak memuaskan, anda masih belum juga bisa ber bahasa Inggris Atau Anda Masih Malu atau Gak pede, Atau anda masih Bingung memilih atau mencari cari, Tempat Kursus Belajar bahasa inggris mana yang Tepat, Terbaik & mempunyai Pengaruh yang signifikan dalam Ber- bicara bahasa Inggris

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