Contoh Percakapan sederhana Bahasa Inggris, Visit Ke China ( Latihan Speaking English ), Sobat zone-klik percakapan sederhana dalam bahasa inggris mengenai rencana Tommy melakukan perjalanan ke China, membahas tentang tempat-tempat yang layak dikunjungi tanpa membuang banyak waktu dan tentunya uang.
Sebagaimana diketahui China merupakan negara yang sangat luas sehingga jika punya rencana berkunjung ke China perlu sebuah perencanaan yang tepat.
- Tommy : Hey, there, Risma!
- Risma : Uh ? Oh, hey Tommy… What’s wrong?
- Tommy : Sorry for bothering you, Risma. But I need some information from you? Do you have time for several minutes ?
- Risma : Some information? Well, how can I help you?
- Tommy : Well, actually I and my friends are going to make a backpacking trip to China. But the problem is that we haven’t really decided yet the places to visit in China. We need to know the best ones so we wouldn’t need to waste our times or money there. Moreover, I heard that you have already been in China for several times. So, I think perhaps you can give me some recommendations Regarding the places. Do you mind to help me out, Risma?
- Risma : Oh, very well… it’s alright, Tommy. I’m glad I can help you out.
- Tommy : Oh, thank you, Risma.
- Risma : Actually I didn’t really know the best places to visit in China since most of my visits in China I spent my times in Beijing. But, well…I think I know some places that are must-visit for tourists. By the way, how long will you stay in China?
- Tommy : Um… It’s about a week.
- Risma : Okay… One place you shouldn’t miss to visit if you are in China is absolutely the Great Wall. You know the Great Wall of China, don’t you?
- Tommy : Yes, of course. It’s one of the Seven Wonders of The World, Right?
- Risma : Right. The Great Wall is one of the greatest sights in the world located in North China, near Beijing. So, you need to get into Beijing first before visiting the Great Wall.
- Tommy : Oh! I forget to write down what you’re saying. *Getting his notebook to write down Risma’s words* Okay, Risma, you can go on.
- Risma : Um… well… when you go to stay in Beijing, don’t miss the chance to enjoy that capital city of China. There are many places that most tourists love to visit in Beijing, like Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs and various monuments and mausoleums. And if you still have much time left, you can go to Shanghai or Hong Kong as well. They are great cities. Well… I think that’s all.
- Tommy : Alright, thank you, Risma. I’m sure these places are great.
- Risma : And since you are backpackers, you may need some information about some Economy-priced inns there.
- Tommy : That’s right ! Alright, thank you for everything, Risma.
- Risma : You’re welcome. Have a good trip!
Glossaries Percakapan Sederhana Bahasa Inggris Visit to China
- What’s wrong? = Ada apa?
- Bothering (bother) = menggangu
- Several = beberapa
- Backpacking trip = perjalanan dengan menggunakan Ransel (tanpa kemewahan)
- Backpacker = orang yang melakukan perjalanan backpacking
- Recommendation = rekomendasi
- Regarding = mengenai
- Do you mind? = apa kau keberatan?
- Must-visit = yang harus dikunjungi
- You shouldn’t miss to visit… = kamu tidak boleh ketinggalan untuk mengunjungi…
- Great Wall of China = Tembok Besar Cina
- Seven wonders of the world = tujuh keajaiban dunia
- Get into = mencapai ke
- Write down = menuliskan
- Go on = teruskan, meneruskan
- Forbidden City = Kota Terlarang
- Summer Palace = Istana Musim Panas
- Ming Tombs = Makam Ming
- Mausoleum = makam besar
- May (kata penghubung) = mungkin, boleh
- Economy-priced = murah
- Inn = penginapan
- Have a good trip ! = semoga perjalanannya menyenangkan !
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