Bagi sobat yang lagi cari game seru plant vs zombie bisa langsung download gamenya di bawah ini dengan catatan sobat harus cek dulu spesifikasi minimum komputer/laptop sobat untuk bisa memainkan game ini. Bila spek sudah memenuhi syarat silahkan Download Plant Vs Zombie Full Terbaru di bawah ini.
Download Plant Vs Zombie Full Terbaru
Spek minimum untuk bisa main game plant vs zombie:
·OS*: Windows XP/Vista/7
·Processor: 1.2+GHz
·Memory (RAM): 512+MB
· Free Hard Drive Space: 65+MB
·DirectX Version: 8 or later
·Sound: DirectX-compatible
·Video: DirectX-compatible; 128+MB
·Color Quality: 16-bit or 32-bit color mode (256 colors may not work)
·Controls: Keyboard and mouse
·Internet: Internet connection is required to register/unlock game trials — including those delivered via CD-ROM
*You must be an administrator to install and run this game.
Panduan instal PVZ:
·Install game with "PlantsVsZombiesSetup_20110729_2_2.exe"
·After install,run "Plants.Vs.Zombies_KEYGEN-FFF.exe
·Generate Key and regester game with that key.
·Enjoy release from XDrone
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